Aug 11, 2017
Today, I’m taking on a couple of common questions about early education and reading. The questions seem to be opposites, but are really two sides of the same coin. In one form, I hear, “Why don’t you teach reading?” The other, “Isn’t it damaging to teach kids reading in preschool?” Both questions are...
Jul 4, 2017
This is the fourth installment of my book talk with Emily Plank, author of Discovering The Culture of Childhood. It’s the read-along selection this year, for Not Just Cute readers. That means instead of one overview, I’ve been having several in-depth chats with Emily. You can get caught up with previous episodes...
Jun 23, 2017
Performance is the currency of education today. While assessments will always be important, I can't help but wonder about the overemphasis on performance to the detriment of real assessment, and ultimately our kids. Today I'm sharing a Second Read and also talking about some things I've observed lately that leave me...
May 16, 2017
Today, I’m talking about the Consensus Statement released by the Brookings Institute on the Current State of Scientific Knowledge on Pre Kindergarten Effects. Ten of the top scholars on issues of early learning came together and outlined what they agree is known and needs to be known about the pre kindergarten...
May 6, 2017
This second read goes back all the way to 2014, but it’s a concept I still use frequently when speaking to groups about the importance of the foundational work in early childhood, and how it can -unfortunately- often be overlooked. Just like the foundation of our homes, foundational learning may sometimes be hard to...